For the Investor PE “Srbijagas”, complete installations of electric power and measurement and regulation at the starting and end points of three transport gas pipelines (a total of six locations) were made. Delivery, installation and connection of all distribution cabinets for power supply of all electric power and electric motor consumers. Development of a system of local and remote control and supervision of technological processes. Preparation of complete project-technical documentation in the part of measurement and regulation. Testing and commissioning of the plant at six subject locations.
Preparation of complete electrical installation, monitoring and control system, project-technical documentation for measurement and regulation and commissioning of three transport pipelines for connection of main gas pipeline (interconnector) border of Bulgaria – Hungary border with transport system of PE “Srbijagas” Karadjordjevo brdo, MS3-GRC Pancevo, MS4-GRC Gospodjinci)NS Koncept2022-01-27T14:17:38+01:00